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Advancing the underprivileged towards development

Development is
Our goal

278 + Villages

2.5+ Lac

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Building a better
community – together
To undertake integrated development of poor rural communities involving women, child, youth, farmers & especially the disables by drawing suitable programmes covering social, cultural, educational, & human development aspects.
Rasikashraya has been working in the Yavatmal district since 1999. Over the last 25 years, it has successfully implemented participatory projects with rural tribal communities. Its key focus areas include health, nutrition, education, livelihood, skill development, and disaster relief. The organization has also focused on building institutional capacities to promote rights-based laws and their implementation.
In the last ten years, Rasikashraya has expanded its operations to urban beneficiaries from tribal and rural backgrounds, with a particular focus on health, education, and livelihood. Specifically, support has been provided to tribal children and youth living in urban areas, including regular counseling and assistance when needed.

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